Day 3, Stop 5
Slickrock Divide
GPS Location:
38o 13.463' N
111o 13.226' W
Lower Triassic
Rock Units:
Chinle Formation
Moenkopi Formation
Features Present:
Slickrock Divide is a good place to get a visual overview of the Moenkopi Formation and the overlying Chinle Formation. The dip of the Moenkopi Formation in this region is 17o to the east (Mathis, 2000).
A divide is a division between two drainage basins. Water in this region divides between Grand Wash in the north and Capitol Gorge to the south.

Figure 1: View of the Moenkopi Formation at Slickrock Divide to the north.

Figure 2: View of the Moenkopi Formation at Slickrock Divide to the south.